Hasta La Vista: Images of Recently Departed Inwood Businesses


Below are images of businesses that closed up shop in recent years. So long. Farewell.

Lost Inwood Amazon link


  1. The place on 207 and Broadway that is a One-Hour Photo place in the photo montage and is now a T-Mobile store was the Alpine Bakery for many years prior to the photo business. I still remember their mostly German-style pastries from back in the 70s.

    I miss some of these places more than others and some not at all (Baker Field Food Market at 218th was never much of anything in my estimation) but the Dick’s Hardware and Scavengers really have not been replaced physically or sentimentally for me.

  2. I am trying to find the name of the Viennese bakery that was onDyckman Street in the 1950s and maybe later. They may have been the as early as 1940s.
    I look forward to your response. Thank you.

    • You may be thinking of Nash Bakery or Alpine Bakery, perhaps? This JHS 52 alumnus (’64) also recalls, hazily, a European-style shop called Stern Bakery slightly north of Dyckman on the east side of Broadway. Fond memories of tasty times!


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