Uptown Arts Stroll: Featured Artist Sky Pape


Uptown Arts Stroll 2009 posterArtists, working in a variety of mediums, have long been attracted to Inwood.  From impressionist Ernest Lawson painting his ever changing views of the Spuyten Duyvil to sculptor George Grey Barnard who found quiet inspiration in his Fort Tryon studio, the area was and still is teeming with creative minds.

For the last seven years the Uptown Arts Stroll, now in full swing, has provided a public platform for these talented souls.

Among the many artists who participated in this years Uptown Arts Stroll is Canadian born Inwoodite Sky Pape.

Sky’s work is in the collection of the Guggenheim and other prestigious museum and private collections.

The textures, unique papers and inks make Sky’s works wonders to behold up close and in person.

MyInwood caught up with Sky recently in her Payson Avenue studio before she opened up her work space to to the public.  Sky Pape was one of many uptown artists who hosted “open studios” for the Arts Stroll.

Take a look:


  1. I loved the video!!! I am hardly biased???? Keep up the good work . I hope you have good weather on June 28th for the Art Stroll. Love


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