William LaMorte Family Bread Advertisement


History is often full of surprises.  Now and then, when digging through old newspapers,  I’ll encounter something wonderfully unexpected. Such was the case with the accompanying bread advertisement I came across while researching the property once owned by William H. Hurst on 215th Street and Park Terrace East.

While in the midst of  exhaustive search I came across a smiling Inwood family participating in a advertising campaign for wholesome, old-fashioned white bread.

How delightful!

According to the below 1936 newspaper advertisement for Bond Bread, the family of William LaMorte, lived in a home located at 532 West 215th Street, currently the site of Inwood’s Northeastern Academy.

1936 ad from the Herald Statesman, Yonkers, November 18, 1936 (note the address under the family photo is 532 West 215th Street.)

So who were the LaMortes? You can bet I’ll get to the bottom of this. Meanwhile, if a surviving LaMorte could please write in I know we’d all like to hear your story.

Lost Inwood Amazon link


  1. Wow! I never knew my grandfather and uncles were in a bread ad–a chauvinistic one at that. My father Willard is not in the ad. He is the oldest of the brothers.

  2. C’mon, Mignon, what’s a little chauvinism from back in the days when men were men and women were glad of it?

    I’m also a grandchild of William F. LaMorte. My father, Howard, now 90 years old, is pictured at top of the trio – age 15.

    Mignon and I are among 26 grandchildren 0f William and Teresa. But he always called her “Girlie” and, even in their 80s, she called him “Billy”.

    In the photo, He is holding a mandolin. He had two of them: a “The Gibson” model A1 and a beautiful Lyon & Healy (which he is holding). He belonged to a large amateur mandolin orchestra which performed on weekends in nursing homes and other institutions. Also, he was an avid photographer and home movie enthusiast. His hobbies became my vocations.

  3. Audrey la morte Hurley, age 93 is the niece of William. Her father was Frank. We just happened upon this article today,9/6/2020. She lives in Paramus, NJ. So she says hello to all Hurley’s!!

  4. Gary F LaMorte.
    Son of Howard (top center) Grandson of William. I have a copy of this photo but had no idea it was from a bread commercial.

  5. Gary F LaMorte
    Son of Howard (Top center) Grandson of William. Received a copy of this photo from my mother last week, had no idea it came from a bread advertisement. Grandpa was an influencer from way back!

  6. Oh, a great memory to enjoy again. Pop was proud of his big, healthy family. He only bought Bond bread in a package. Of course he bought Italian, French bread loaves & American rolls fresh. Love it!🥯🍞🥖


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